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WAR STORIES #13 - Digital Copy
Writer: Garth Ennis
Cover &Art: Tomas Aria
MR, Color, 32 pages, ongoing
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: How do you join The Tokyo Club? Simple. You climb into your single seat, single engine fighter- loaded with fuel and ammunition- and fly 700 miles across the open Pacific until you reach the mainland of Japan. There you fight off any enemy aircraft attempting to hit the American bombers you're escorting to their targets. Still alive? Now comes the fun part. You fly another 700 miles back home to your airstrip on Iwo Jima, fuel running lower and lower, nothing but ocean for miles around. Any battle damage you've suffered will reduce your chances even further. Make it back and you're in the club. And more good news: you get to do it all again tomorrow. Part one of three, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aria. Available with Regular &Wraparound Covers by Tomas Aria, and Good Girl Nose Art & Battle Damage Retailer Incentive Covers by Matt Martin.
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