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Cover: Di Amorim
Story: Brian Pulido
Art: Di Amorim
Readership: All ages
Format: Full color, 32 pages, monthly on-going

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Brian Pulido's all-ages, monthly, fantasy epic Lady Death continues here! This series continues with the same characters, tone, and story that was begun at Crossgen. If you liked the Crossgen series, you'll love this new one! Lady Death and her injured mentor Wolfram von Bach are ambushed by the treacherous Greelum who are intent on possessing her magical sword Blackheart. Hot on her trail is Arch Bishop Vittorio's warrior knights aided by a mysterious ally who blames Lady Death for the Eldritch's attacks on his village. Can Lady Death hold off the attacks so Wolfram may heal? The answers bring a new resolve and threaten the delicate balance of Medieval Europe itself. As well as this regular cover, it's also available with a wraparound cover by Ron Adrian, and a special Premium edition, limited to 2000 copies with a cardstock cover, by Ron Adrian

Release Date: Jan-01-2014